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The poison of online games (6th Dec 22 at 12:40am UTC)
The middle-aged man then left, and when the middle-aged man left, the white young man gnashed his teeth and shouted to the fat man: "Who are you? Report your name, and I will make you look good in the service war!" This word fat listens to understand, and he also is not afraid to report a name, then way: "I am chicken coop candy, if ability, you although call me good-looking!" The transliteration of the three words "chicken coop candy" was naturally understood by the people present. They were still wondering who the newly appeared mixed-race beauty was. Suddenly, when they heard the name of Fat, they immediately turned their heads and looked at Fat in surprise. Sixteen servers in the world, the first person to play a copy of the nether world! After that copy clearance, the official websites of the servers in 16 countries all reported the news, so the name of chicken coop candy is not unfamiliar to these players, and the people present may have bought the strategy from the fat hands! Nima Oh, the fight is actually the first celebrity in the server of Huaxia District!? Not to mention other people, even the white youth, after hearing the fat registration number, could not help but stare big eyes, he actually provoked such a master? Inside the lounge once again fell into silence, fat some do not know why, do not understand how these foreigners are all silly to look at themselves, reported a wrong name? Only the dancing wolf smoke knew what was going on. After a gentle smile, he turned to Tiantian and said something. Then Tiantian pushed her towards them. They moved and the atmosphere in the lounge was restored. However, although the players in the lounge sat down again to resume chatting, they could not help but often look in the direction of where they were. Red moon sacrifice and remnant Qin two people,metal stamping parts, just have been silent to watch, wait until things subside, two people looked at each other, there is a kind of inexplicable taste in the eyes, and fragrant yuanyuan is still bowing his head to drink the black tea in the cup, put the scene of Buddha just did not happen. Not to mention the people with their own thoughts, the fat side is very lively. The magic dragon guest is drunk and romantic. It's the first time for them to see the fat in reality. Naturally, they want to shake hands and get to know each other. When they are introduced to the fat, the magic dragon guest and a group of men can't help but raise their thumbs to the fat and say: "Chicken brother,CNC machining parts, good job, bloody!" Fat at this time is a little embarrassed, he just will make a move, in fact, because the 2B guy laughed at Shuishui sister, so it will be impulsive, not to mention blood and so on, in fact, if in other scenes, fat even if to retaliate, will not use such a direct means, he likes, or secretly hit a sucker. Good is the kind of suffering that can't be said. Although the breeze water just did not make a sound, but said not grateful fat, that is false, so when fat looked over, silently gave fat a sweet smile.
Luo Moling's character is not so quiet, die casting parts ,non standard fasteners, for just fat, she is now very excited, holding the fat face hard to rub, excited tunnel: "good fat, too addictive, let that guy lose combat effectiveness, this is seckill?" After saying that, as if it was not enough, the palm stood up and made two gestures, like the female version of Bruce Lee. Fingertip flower cool is also a very beautiful girl, a neat short hair, is very heroic, after hearing Luo Moling's praise of fat, can not help but look at Luo Moling, and then look at micro-geomantic water, and then look at fat, the relationship between the three of them is very strange, fat for a girl to hit people, while the other girl is very excited, this.. What's all this about? After the excitement, this is a quiet chat, fat can not help but ask the Wolf Flue Dance: "Dance you seem to know just that person in charge?" Tiantian is sitting aside, after hearing the question of fat, cannot help rushing to answer: "Don't you know?"? Luan Dance Sister is a well-known person in the online game industry. Many game companies are very polite to her. When we just registered at the registration office, as soon as we heard Luan Dance Sister report her game ID, the person in charge immediately came out to receive her! So this is the case, fat is finally understood, dare to see that the person in charge of the dance and know themselves, so will say that two do not want to help, the matter into a small matter, otherwise, although the investigation is indeed the fault of the white player, but it is also an indisputable fact that they hit people, how will be questioned two sentences.. Fat is thinking so, but Luo Moling suddenly asked the magic dragon guest curiously: "Don't you feel strange when you know that the dancing sister is a girl?"? Or did you already know? The magic dragon guests looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. They said, "We know that, but the other members of the guild don't know how much disturbance will be caused by such a beautiful girl as the boss. You should imagine, right?"? So she's been asking us to keep it a secret. This point, fat is to understand, after all, they were the core members of the chaotic night guild, know the identity of the chaotic dance is not surprising, this year's media is still so crazy, once you know that such a beautiful girl was the founder of the chaotic night guild, now the president of the sunset angel guild. Then I'm afraid there will be endless interviews and disturbance of the dance. At the thought of this, fat suddenly remembered something, the true identity of the original dance wolf smoke was well hidden, before time went back, fat in the sacred camp to play berserkers, had never heard of the dance thing, but also now and after the night blood phoenix know, gradually understand, this is of course because of the night blood and magic dragon guest they keep secret for the dance. Another reason is that she has never appeared in the service league. She has applied to the authorities and directly connected to the service server at home to participate in the competition and command. So, this time she suddenly came,Stainless steel foundry, and the historical trajectory of things seems to have changed again. ……………………!。 Chapter 530 the reappearance of Daqin (the first watch). Actually fat ever also had imagined at the outset, if after the identity exposure of female player of smoke of the wolf that dance in disorder, what kind of influence can you have.
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